A core of motivated Downtown residents is inserting new life into what was once a formidable community group – the Trefann Court Residents’ Association. Our aim is to increase information sharing and provide a forum for Trefann Court residents to meet each other and discuss issues that affect us.
Trefann Court is the area bounded by Queen, Parliament, Shuter and the Don River. The original association was active in the 1970s and successfully prevented the houses throughout this entire area from being expropriated for public housing. During the 1990’s, the association lobbied for improvements to a planned condo development. More recently, Trefann individuals have provided community input to the city’s Shelter Bylaw and Drug Strategy, and participated on the Community Police Liaison Committee and neighbourhood safety audits.
In 2008, we’d like to continue that same community spirit, neighbourly co-operation and activism in Trefann Court. Our first public meeting will be held on February 28th, 7pm at the Dominion Hotel (500 Queen St. E. at Sumach) – see you there!