Shuter St parking problems

Longtime Shuter St residents will have noticed an increase during the past few years in “all day” parking on Shuter – in spite of the 3 hour limit, sporadically enforced.  All nearby streets (Wascana Sackville, Sumach) have 1 hour limits, and “permit only” at night.  Sumach has alternate side parking (so the street gets properly cleaned, unlike Shuter).

Night-time “permit only”parking is planned for Shuter St, east of Sumach (see city report), so so parking on Shuter, between Sackville & Sumach, will soon get even crazier.  More Regent Park condos will add to on-street parking demand.

The Trefann Association has started a parking petition, but help is needed to finish it.  Email us if if you have an hour to help.

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